Public Recipes

Materials and Chemicals:

For Synthesis of Piperidine:

  • Acetone (500 mL)
  • Ammonium chloride (50 g)
  • Calcium hydroxide (50 g)
  • Distillation setup (all including round-bottom flask, condenser, receiving flask)
  • pH meter or pH paper, prefferably the meter since you dont have to keep dipping the paper in the solution
  • Heating mantle or hot plate/stirrer, dont use gas just use an electric one its so much easier
  • Glassware for measurements (beakers, graduated cylinders)
  • Glass stirring rods
  • Synthesis of Piperidine:

    -Preparation of Ammonium Chloride Solution: -Dissolve 50 g of ammonium chloride in 300 mL of water in a round-bottom flask. -Add 50 g of calcium hydroxide to the solution and stir until dissolved. -Set up a distillation apparatus with the round-bottom flask containing the solution as the boiling flask, ensuring proper attachment of the condenser and receiving flask. -Heat the solution to reflux for 4 hours at 100°C (212°F). -Collection of Piperidine: -Collect the distillate in the receiving flask. -Piperidine will distill over and be collected. It usually comes over around 106-108°C (223-226°F). -Monitor the pH of the solution and ensure it remains alkaline (pH around 11-12). Add more calcium hydroxide if necessary. -Once the distillation is complete, allow the collected piperidine to cool to room temperature, you might wanna check the purity though. More coming soon!